Waltham, MA
Year Founded: 2006

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100 Employees is the world’s largest online destination for finding and managing family care, with 11.0 million families and 8.6 million caregivers* across 16 countries, including the U.S., UK, Canada and parts of Western Europe, and approximately 800,000 employees of corporate clients having access to our services. Spanning child care to senior care, pet care, housekeeping and more, we provide an array of services for families and caregivers to find, manage and pay for care or find employment. These include: a comprehensive suite of safety tools and resources members may use to help make more informed hiring decisions - such as third-party background check services, monitored messaging, and tips on hiring best practices; easy ways for caregivers to be paid online or via mobile app; and household payroll and tax services provided by HomePay. Offices

None Workspace

Typical time on-site: None
Waltham, MA