On RapDev’s Sales Team, Peers ‘Win Together’ and More

Senior Enterprise Account Executive Colin Galanaugh describes how his team’s empowering culture makes him excited to show up to work every day and become a better salesperson.

Written by Olivia McClure
Published on Sep. 16, 2024
Photo: RapDev
Photo: RapDev
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Colin Galanaugh has always adhered to a “work to live” mentality — but not all of his past employers did the same.

“As a young seller, I’ve had people try to beat that ideology out of me,” he said.

Despite the pressure to sacrifice personal happiness in order to hit sales targets, Galanaugh has stayed true to his commitment to work-life balance. And at RapDev, he gets to embrace  this approach wholeheartedly as a senior enterprise account executive. 

Galanaugh said that the company offers him the freedom to hit sales targets on his own terms, share his opinions and make important decisions while taking the time to recharge when needed. And the best part is that his peers make it even easier to accomplish all of this — and more.

“This is the first sales team I’ve worked on where members of the team actually look out for each other,” Galanaugh said.

Below, Galanugh shared more about the benefits of working on RapDev’s sales team, including the tight-knit culture that binds everyone together. 

About RapDev

RapDev helps organizations adopt Datadog and ServiceNow in order to increase observability, optimize digital workflows and improve end-to-end developer experiences. The company serves organizations across a wide range of industries, from finance and retail to healthcare and automotive manufacturing.


Colin Galanaugh
Senior Enterprise Account Executive • RapDev

What makes you excited to come to work each day? 

The freedom to run my desk without micromanagement is what gets me most excited about coming to work each day. I have a voice in every meeting, I’m trusted to make decisions and if a deal doesn’t close, we work together as a team to identify ways RapDev could have supported me more effectively to reach a different outcome. The collaborative and supportive approach to sales at RapDev makes me want to be better as a salesperson, which would not be the case for me in a stereotypical “motivate-through-pressure” organization structure.


How would you describe the culture on RapDev’s sales team? 

We’re very much a customer-first, collaborative environment. The competition among us is friendly, everyone is constantly passing along leads outside of their patch and we all go out of our way to help teammates close deals and do what’s best for our customers. We win together, we help each other improve when we lose and no one ever points fingers — exactly the way it should be.


“We win together, we help each other improve when we lose and no one ever points fingers — exactly the way it should be.”


What’s the biggest perk of working on RapDev’s sales team?

The biggest job perk for the sales team at RapDev is the flexibility we’re given when there aren’t any calls on our calendar. Sales orgs have a tendency to put a toxic focus on activity rather than outcomes. At RapDev, we put a focus on high-value conversations, relationship building and outcomes. There are days I’m working for 16 hours and late into the night, but if it’s a slow day or I have a gap in my calendar, I can take a break and step away from my desk. 

We’re all human, and we work to live, not the other way around. As a young seller, I’ve had people try to beat that ideology out of me. But at RapDev, I’m encouraged to enjoy my life when I’m hitting my numbers and the customer work is done, and I couldn’t ask for much more from my team.



Responses have been edited for length and clarity. Images provided by Shutterstock and RapDev.